If you have an urgent medical issue which you feel needs urgent on-the-day attention please telephone the surgery between 8am and 10am Monday to Friday: 01223 366811.
Our reception team have been instructed by the doctors to ask some basic questions about your health issue. This information will help in deciding how your appointment request will be dealt with. Please be aware that you may be asked to complete our online triage form, which will enable the Duty Doctor to decide what appropriate action is needed and whether an on-the-day urgent appointment is required.
**You need to be a registered patient with us to use the medical triage service. Please do not submit a request if you are not registered**
If it is impossible for you to complete the online form then the receptionist can complete the form on your behalf.
Please ensure that you have given us the correct UK telephone number and that you are available to be contacted at any time after submission of the online form.
The online triage form could be closed at any time depending on our capacity for that day. If the online triage form is closed please call reception.
You can also obtain minor illness advice from your local pharmacy or NHS 111.
Routine Appointments
If you have a non-urgent medical issue please call us after 10am or you can complete the online triage form which is open from 8am – 10am Monday to Friday (the form could be closed at any time depending on our capacity for that day), you do not need to telephone the surgery before completing the form.
Our reception staff are on hand to take your call if you are unsure whether your medical issue is deemed as urgent.
You can book a routine appointment in advance with a GP or Nurse.
We offer telephone and face to face appointments. However, in some cases you may be requested to come into the surgery as the issue would be best dealt with in person.
Please telephone the surgery after 10am to book a routine appointment.
Accident and Emergencies
If you have had an accident and are concerned you have sustained a significant injury for example fracture, head injury, please go to A&E.
If you are experiencing chest pain, new limb and facial weakness, shortness of breath i.e. severe asthma attack, symptoms of sepsis, altered consciousness, or heavy bleeding GO DIRECTLY TO A&E or Call 999 if it is a life threatening situation.